Wednesday, March 23, 2011


When the weather turns cold here (which in so Cal that means 50s and 60s) we get inside. My boys love to build forts....well, #1 usually is the master builder while #2, #3, and #4 enjoy or destroy the creation. Most often #1 will build a separate fort for #3 and #4 and set up some communication system between the two. Boys.....
Here is a moment where they where all were enjoying the fort and watching a movie or something at the same time. A rare moment of stillness and peace.

On another note, I think my couch cushions are taken off at least once a day. It is a continual job to put cushions and the chairs back in the right place. Oh the joy of being Mom.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Is this how you spent your day off? HA! Missed you at work freind!