Because of that my boys have created a "lake" in our yard and spend some time there. How you may ask? Well, it starts off with an already huge hole they have dug on the side. #1 though started a river that flowed to the lake so here is the process.
#1 get a good source of water
#2 have it stream down a good canal (it runs next to the flowers)
#3 have a nice hole for it to land in
#4 Build a ledge for those who want to play in it but not get too wet to sit or be like #4 and just throw some dirt in.
#2 loves this lake. He is constantly in it, around it, much to my washing machine's demise
His affinity to dirt is quite amazing. He loves dirt. He plays in it, rolls in it, eats it (j/k for the most part). He enjoys watching things splash as well so when the hole dries up we find things like shirts, shoes, toys, and anything else he might have found in the area.
So nothing trips to Hawaii or even exciting places here in Cali. Just some boys and some mud. God is teaching me that these are the things they will remember. It doesn't have to be flashy, but fun with the family.