Saturday, August 28, 2010

First Day of School

This was our first week of school and man it was HOT!!! This year there are three of us at school. Amazing! I can't believe that #2 is ready to go. He started Kindergarten this year and is loving it. #1 is in 3rd grade. That seems so old to me. He is now in the "middle" grades. I will say the first day was good in some respects and hard in others. One reason is that we move into our regular routine. I like the consistency, but loathe the lack of freedom we have. #1 is in a combo class this year which has multiple challenges for both teachers and students. BUT...I have the joy of working at the school where both the boys attend and so that adds an added bonus for me. I can check on them through out the day. I also am able to talk with their teachers frequently. (plus they're my friends too)
#1 and #2
#2 at his seat on the first day #1 with his teacher (she was also #1's teacher)
#1 and his teacher

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